SDG Initiatives
DeNA Group Initiatives to Achieve the SDGs
*This list includes example initiatives and is not comprehensive.
- Programming education initiatives at public elementary schools
- Programming zemi, a programming educational app
- DeNA Tech Con and BIT VALLEY, both providing career support for IT personnel
- Conclusion of agreement regarding IT personnel training business with Taragi Town, Kumamoto Prefecture
- Hosted Datathon based on Industry-Academia Collaboration Agreement with Yokohama City University
- Partners
- Community
- Start of construction on City of Yokohama old city hall redevelopment project
- Concluded partnership agreement on sustainable machizukuri for the realization of the SDGs Future City Yokohama
- Kawasaki Brave Thunders concluded agreement with Kawasaki City to promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs)
- Five private companies and the Shibuya Education Committee concluded agreement related to programming education business
- The Yokohama DeNA BayStars concluded a basic partnership agreement with Yokosuka City and Keikyu Corporation