Establishment of Niigata Customer Support Center
To strengthen our site patrol system, DeNA established the Niigata Customer Support Center in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture, in 2008. Since then, the center has employed more than 100 staff members at any given time to monitor and screen various services and provide customer support via telephone and email.
Establishment of Special Subsidiary to Promote the Hiring of People with Disabilities

DeNA Business Communications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "DBC"), a subsidiary aimed at increasing opportunities for people with disabilities, was established in July 2020 and a branch office was established in Niigata City, Niigata
Prefecture. In January 2021, DBC obtained certification as a special subsidiary* under the Act on Employment Promotion, etc. of Persons with Disabilities.
DBC handles customer support and other operations outsourced by the DeNA Group. DBC provides flexible work arrangements tailored to individual disabilities, and support staff, mainly job coaches, help ensure stable employment.
focus on creating opportunities for each and every person with disabilities to play an active role by promoting and stabilizing employment, with the goal of creating a society in which all people can live together in harmony.
*Special subsidiaries are subsidiaries that meet certain requirements and obtain approval from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare in accordance with Article 44 of the Act on Employment Promotion, etc. of Persons with Disabilities, and
are considered to be part of the parent company when calculating the employment ratio of persons with disabilities.