Approach to Securing Diversity
The DeNA vision states in part that “Each of us harnesses our individual strengths to make our unique business succeed.” The DeNA value includes “Providing Growth Opportunities for Diverse Employees” in the DeNA Promise, which is our social
promise, to indicate respect and welcoming of diversity. Under DeNA’s basic approach, securing diversity is necessary to provide Delight to society and continuously raise corporate value. Diversity means that each individual brings their own
unique strengths and diverse view on matters to the organization from their background, experience, skills, and personality. While DeNA acknowledges that gender, nationality, hiring channel, and other characteristics are related to such
diversity, these characteristics are used as one alternative metric.
On the basis of the above approach, DeNA does not only prioritize quantitative measures such as the number of employees with a particular gender, nationality, hiring channel, or other characteristic information. DeNA aims to create a
situation where all diverse employees feel they can be successful regardless of their individual characteristics and perform to the fullest to provide Delight.
As a part of this effort, DeNA conducted a survey to analyze if employees felt that their gender, nationality, hiring channel, or other characteristic information caused difficulty in being promoted to important positions or achieving
success. This survey was titled “Survey on Environment for Diverse Personnel Success,” and it was most recently conducted from October to November 2023.
Of the respondents (995 of 1,385 DeNA regular employees), the percentage of
those with a particular characteristic that perceived difficulty in achieving success due to the relevant characteristic were as follows.
Women: 11.9% (30 of 252), foreign nationals: 16.1% (10 of 62), mid-career hires: 11.1% (88 of
Previously when this survey was conducted in October 2022, the results were as follows:
Women: 15.2% (31 of 204), foreign nationals: 20.5% (9 of 44), mid-career hires: 11.7% (74 of 635)
Each of these percentages has shown improvement.
After the previous survey was conducted, DeNA began providing training for officers and employees to become aware of and improve unconscious biases, training on harassment that included content to foster better awareness of phrases used
in conversation, and other initiatives. Since fiscal year 2021 an onboarding program has been conducted for all mid-career hires with the aim of fostering understanding of the DeNA Mission, Vision, and Value, which includes an emphasis on
diversity, and the aim of encouraging mutual understanding between diverse employees.
Going forward, DeNA aims to continue to lower the percentage of employees who feel there is difficulty in achieving success in all of the question items
and establish an environment and promote various initiatives so that diverse employees can succeed.
Enhancing Coordination Between Managers
In order to ensure diversity, it is also essential to improve management skills.
At DeNA, we offer a program called the Manager Community as a place where managers who do not normally come into contact with each other in the course of their work can learn from and enhance each other's skills in order to encounter
different perspectives. The program offers coaching courses and opportunities for dialogue among managers to improve their skills and share knowledge.
Initiatives to Support Employees in Balancing Both Work and Life Events
In 2019 we started the DeNA LIFE DESIGN PROJECT to support employees in balancing various life events and their work, regardless of gender. These life events include marriage, child rearing, family care and nursing, as well as an individual’s own illness or health concerns. We regularly update the programs to support balancing life events and work as well as our benefit programs. We also have a consultation service available for employees.
DeNA has a full range of support programs relevant to childbirth and child rearing, including shortened working hours, babysitter aid, meetings before going on maternity leave and workshops for those returning to work from leave. As a result, approximately 33% of DeNA’s female employees are currently balancing work and childcare (as of March 31, 2024). Of male employees whose spouse gave birth, approx. 63% took childcare leave (results for FY2023). This significantly outperforms the 30.1% of men who took childcare leave per the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s “Basic Survey of Gender Equality in Employment Management in FY2023,” and our average number of days taken was approximately 64 days.

Initiatives to Enhance Flexibility of Working Locations and Times
In addition to promoting a transformation of the conventional working style, DeNA is working to create an office environment that allows flexible work by combining work at the office and remote work depending on the nature of the work, and
create the optimal work environment for the post-COVID-19 era. In addition, we have a multi location system that allows employees to flexibly choose where to work from depending on the situation and, work from a distant location (application
required). Starting in June 2022, we have also introduced a system to change the limit of commuting transportation expenses to make it easier for employees who live far from the office to come to work, and to provide actual expenses* without a
daily limit. Through these efforts to set up a conducive environment, we now have over 200 employees living in distant locations, and in FY2023 we hired 30 people, including 15 engineers, who live in distant locations.
As part of our digital transformation (DX) initiatives, we are also steadily digitizing work that previously had to be done in the office, such as finalizing contracts and submitting expense reports. In addition, we are implementing
technical measures to ensure information security in a remote work environment.
On the other hand, the office as a gathering place is of great importance. We moved to a new office in Shibuya Scramble Square in August 2021 and at the same
time set up our Yokohama office in the expectation that employees could gather in these physical co-creation spaces to engage in high quality offline communication.
The new offices have a free address system rather than assigned desks,
and the office space has been designed to accommodate various uses, including co-creation spaces, lounges, and personal booths.
In order to create a suitable combination of remote and office work, we have updated our personnel system by
expanding our workplaces and introducing a remote work allowance. We also provide support for the use of shared offices, trial workation policies, and work locations for people who live in distant areas (for example for those who are traveling
for work or for childcare or family reasons) as well as opportunities to employee personal interactions.
We have introduced a super flex time system working hours (No core time requirements, with ability to switch work between weekdays
and weekends on a per-hour basis. In this work system individual employees can choose their working hours in line with their lifestyle.), which allows employees to work flexibly according to their individual duties and work-life balance. In
addition, we continue to proceed with the side job system and systems for securing new team members.
*There is a monthly limit. Supervisor approval is required and may not be granted for some jobs.
Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities
The DeNA Group creates opportunities for many people with and without disabilities by providing an environment in which team members can engage in work responsibilities in a way that suits their individual personalities. In particular, in order
to encourage more people with disabilities who are willing to work, the Niigata Customer Support Center started a work-at-home program in FY2015 as an option for those who want to work but have difficulty commuting. In 2020, we established a
subsidiary company, DeNA Business Communications Co., Ltd., in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture, which is responsible for customer support and other operations outsourced by the DeNA Group, to expand employment opportunities for people with
disabilities and enhance the support system for a comfortable working environment. In addition, as a part of the DeNA benefits program we provide massage services, and we employ visually impaired people to provide this treatment on a daily
basis to improve employee productivity. The employment rate of persons with disabilities for FY2023 is 3.0%. With the diversity of our employees as a source of strength, DeNA will continue to promote the employment of people with disabilities
in order to contribute to a society in which as many people with disabilities as possible can live independently in the society.
Niigata Customer Support Initiatives
Support for Employing Foreign Nationals
The DeNA Group provides a wide range of services to diverse users. In order to deliver Delight to users not only in Japan but also around the world beyond their wildest dreams, as we state in our mission, we need to leverage the abilities of employees from various cultural and national backgrounds. DeNA supports non-Japanese employees in their daily work and life in Japan, and promotes the creation of an environment that facilitates their performance. We believe that taking advantage of differences in thinking and sensibilities coming from differences in nationality and culture will be a strength for DeNA to continue to innovate in the future.
Confirmation of Compliance in Employment and Labor Matters at Overseas Offices
As laws that differ from those in Japan may apply overseas, the DeNA Group strives to ensure thorough compliance with local laws and regulations in our overseas operations. We aim to be a company that is trusted by all of our stakeholders and
thoroughly adheres to compliance.